• 11 Product(s) Found
₹ 300.00

Khadirarishta is useful to cure early affections of leprosy and skin diseases,Removes colored spots and patches and itches,Smoothens the skin,blood purifier

Madhusnuhi Rasayana
₹ 455.00

Madhusnuhirasayana is useful to cure all skin diseases,leprosy,cracks and watery discharges,white and black spots and patches on the skin,corrects 7 dhatus.

Panchatiktaghrita Guggulu (200ml)
₹ 495.00

Ayurvedic medicine that helps to cure leprosy of several kinds, bone marrow and guinea worm, fistula, abscesses around the throat and typical skin diseases

₹ 195.00

Saribadyasava is useful to cure skin diseases especially of venereal poison and carbuncles,Purifies the blood, Removes mercurial effects in the system.

Somariji Taila
₹ 360.00

Ayurvedic medicine useful for leprosy,elephant skin, black and white spots/patches on the skin,excessive itching sensation,cracks in the hands and feet,ringworm.

Sarivadhya Leha
₹ 435.00

Sarivadhya Leha medicine useful for skin diseases especially born of Venereal poisons in the system,highly recommended for blood purification and malnutrition.

Rasothamadilepam (15g)
₹ 60.00

Rasothamadilepam is an ayurvedic effective medicine useful to cure itches,scabies and skin infections. 100% safe and Natural remedy with Zero side effects.

₹ 310.00

L-MITRA Improves appetite, Works on liver disorders, Thyroid, Parkinson, Cleanses the bowel,Eradicates worms in intestines, equivalent of a multivitamin.

₹ 1680.00

Kantaderm is an ayurvedic Herbal medicine used for chronic skin diseases , Sexually transmitted diseases ,Effective medicine for Psoriasis and Vitiligo.

₹ 380.00

Pindataila is an effective oil to remove vatarakta and works on patches due to loss of pigmentation.Cures leprosy removes numbness in hands,feet,Smoothens skin